Friday, December 16, 2016

ECX Official Website

ECX Has no longer been paying attention to the blog but rather on its website at

Sunday, November 20, 2016

ECX Game Downloads

Evert time a game is finished it will be posted on the ECX Game Download Page I.e not ECX Games or ECX Game Controls.

Game Compatibility

For now this game will be compatible with PC (Windows) until other advancents

Membership Request

Literally Anyone is free to join ECX and offer sometime good eg knowledge of programing language, drawing capabilities. Just to keep things fun and remember its going to be an interactive session between The Admins and Members and the whole world.
Just say I'll be making games for you (you can give your own opinions and ratings but must be a member before you can tell me to create a game

No Fraud, Plagarism

The games here are non copyright that is, own by ECX. They should not be used or uploaded outside this site. Plagiarism is not allowed.
For any act of plagiarism this blog will be monitored and you will be caught.
This is also stating to the members and admins that plagiarism should not be performed here or else

Ecx first game (space defender)

Space defenders first game is the first game by ecx. Were still working on it but so far we have

  1. Life
  2. Players (2) comment if you want 1
  3. Score
  4. Game over
  5. Sound Effect
  6. Destruction
  7. Asteroids
  8. Bullets
  9. Background

Things left to be done are

  1. Levels
Life etc.

Members Of ECX

Anyone is free to join ECX and support it in a way for now tgey are only 3 members:
1. Ekop Samuel (myself)

2. William Cole

3. Obinna Ibegbu

Introducing ECX

ECX is a group that started at school in the 9th grade. It was developed as a comic group because everyone in it could draw. But now its a comic, cartoon, and game producing industry.